Re: Easter 2010: Alleluia, Christ has risen!
What exactly is wrong with "teh gay"? And by traditional American values, I assume you were down with Jim Crow and immigration quotas like the Chinese Exclusion Act? How bout limiting the vote to men? Bans on miscegenation? How bout criminalizing homosexuality? Or does your bigotry just adapt to what the loosest form of political correctness lets you get away with?
Oh come on now, I am sure you have your biases and dislikes. The only difference between you and I, is that I will at least decry what bothers me about America.
"If you are not for gay marriage, you must be full of hate!" reads the neg rep I just recieved... by-product of faulty logic. I am not full of hate regarding gays. I have not physically hurt anyone, or denied them a job or housing. I would not have voted against them if a Gay Marriage Vote had come to fruition in Massachusetts! I probably would not have voted in favor of it though. However, I find what "they" do most revolting and disgusting; it is an unnatural act that serves no purpose (ie., reproduction). I find their disruptive antics and gross "showmanship" embarrassing for them and society.
No, I do not want to go back in time to just men voting, Jim Crowe, etc. You are all clueless what it means to be a Traditional American; ironically, and once again I feel as though I have to school you guys on Obama, who is a traditionalist himself... well, except for the fact he dropped his pastor and religion when it was hurting him in the campaign.
Honestly, what did you guys know about Obama when he was on the campaign trail? Beyond the Olbermann, Maddow, Matthews love-fest sound bites? I pride (no not gay pride) myself on the fact I knew what both men and parties were representing themseves during the campaign.