My take on the last two months? I'd say it's been pretty much like everyone anticipated. Every morning Donald Trump gets out of bed with one purpose and one purpose only -- to make himself the primary focus of all media and social media in this country, if not the world. It's a variation on the old saw that there is no such thing as bad publicity.Good! So, what’s your take on the last two months? What’s our hysteria level between 0-10? We need someone who has been through this type of stuff before, knows that this is all going to be okay, that we just need to take a breath and relax. All of us have been so hysterical, especially the women, that I can’t sort through everything.
I'm not going to judge the hysteria level of posters here in Cafe. I think everyone knows my opinion that the public, including people who post here, tend to overreact to things, so we'll leave it at that.
I will tell you this. In February I went on a two week vacation and had virtually no social media contact at all, including here. When I got back, I started scrolling through Cafe and my reaction was basically, "Woof!!" I think when you are around something all the time, you sort of lose perspective on what it is like. But take two weeks away, and I realized how dark it really is here. It's like going to a social gathering and discovering that they are playing Alone and Forsaken on a perpetual loop on the stereo.
I get it. People are anxious. They are afraid. They are confused. But social media is not helping you. It is exacerbating your anxiety and fear and confusion.
Get out in the real world. Friends, neighbors and family are helping one another. People are getting up and going to work and keeping the world on track.
2016-2020 passed. This, too, shall pass.