Re: Don Lucia steps down as Minnesota Gophers coach
Nothing wrong with being technical, put more simply I get that factoring that into the analysis would be tougher to do. But I’m not going to get too enamored with win percentage when we know a lot of it is propped up by other factors such as the B1G being horrible and the Gophers basically sneaking in with an autobid one of those years and straight up missing altogether despite winning a league title in another. Looking at those years individually you have 4 good ones and 3 pretty bad ones.
5 NCAA’s in ten years is awful for this program no matter how you slice it. Your analysis sorta cut out those 3 years too because Don was ill, I don’t think that necessarily is as deserving of a pass as some do I guess and I’m not just gonna throw that data out. If you include it I’d hazard our win % isn’t as impressive.
Based on your response, it seems to me you missed the basic inferentials of my post. There is no "factoring in" with the procedure I suggested. Moreover, measuring conference differentials is redundant for the two reasons I've already mentioned. A researcher would need to determine the constant in the LS regression equation that's a ""best fit". I hinted at what that would be.
Secondly, your comment about Don Lucia's illness is a bit harsh and unwarranted. When a person's fandom clouds one's ability to empathize regarding a serious illness of this nature, it's probably time to take a good look inside.
Symptoms of his illness began to appear near the beginning of the 2008-09 season. He was officially diagnosed with the auto-immune disease sarcoidosis in Dec. 2008. The disease can last for years. Immune system dysfunction from sarcoidosis can cause serious damage to vital organs, such as the brain, lungs, or heart and can be fatal. Obviously this became a serious concern for Don and his family while under the pressure of the 2008-09 hockey season.
BTW severe stressors like coaching a high profile team like the Gophers is not recommended during recovery. In fact, continuing his coaching responsibilities most likely contributed to the longevity of his illness. During that time John Hill became the interim coach at times when Don was unable to perform his coaching duties.
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic prescribed a titration of steroids (most likely prednisone) several times per week. Don suffered adverse effects of the disease such as numbing of one side of his face, insomnia, lack of energy, loss of appetite and consistent psychological effects from the steroid medications.
Coach Lucia battled the disease for approximately two years from 2008-2010 which included the 2008-09 and 2009-10 seasons. He was cleared by his doctor in July 2010.
Again, you misunderstood my post. My point was NOT to give Don Lucia "a pass", although coaching the Gophers under those adverse psychophysiological conditions most definitely deserves an asterisk. My post highlighted his body of work in the "recovery period" from his battle with the disease, during seasons 2011-2017. I didn't look at all NCAA teams, but only some of the major schools and coaches in D1. His winning % ranked third behind Jerry York and Hakstol/Berry during that period. All things considered, that's an "A" in my book.