Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
The thought of 50 wall balls makes me want to vomit. I only use a 10 lb ball, and I can't even do more than 5 unbroken.
Also, I have yet to be able to do a single double under. They're totally in my head.
Finally got my backsquat 1RM yesterday (somehow I have always missed the days we did backsquats): 98 lbs. 17 to go to make bodyweight, which I think is definitely do-able. 98 felt really good, but I got stuck at 103 the attempt before it (rule was we had to go ALL the way down as far as possible).
I also finally have a bodyweight dip! I've got 7 things left to pass to make Level 1 at my CrossFit affiliate, and you're allowed to fail two. My goal is to do it before August.
Nice. Wallballs arent so bad if I get into a nice rythym for them. I was able to break that set of 50 up into 3 sets. Double unders are also not so bad once I get into a rythym.
That is awesome being so close to body weight. I am not too far off from a body weight DL. Combination of losing weight and getting stronger, meet in the middle.
I am pretty far from a Dip or even a pullup. I am on the biggest band right now and I can only do maybe 3-4 at a time. I think it will be awhile before I get a pull up, but I think I should be able to get it by the end of the year.
filthy fifties are brutal work outs for sure. Getting as close as you did and doing burpees/ USAs is very impressive. The last time i did 50s, i thought I was going to hurl on the USAs at the end. The knees to elbow also left my abdominal sore for 3 days.
Thanks for the encouragement. I have at times felt defeated the last couple of days with the workouts, the adjustement with my own preseption, that I am not an athlete anymore and that I am pretty darn overweight, as I fight my way through these workouts. I know I will get back there, but it can be pretty dishearting while I make my way back out.
know what we got to use today at the rink? skating treadmill. seriously.
That sounds both cool and scary at the same time.
Thanks for the tips. I've been consistently using Vanilla Bean Gu for gels. I'm not the biggest fan of most sport drinks--so far, water during a run and having a bottle of Fruit Punch Powerade (the one kind I do like) at the end is working for me. Do you think that could be realistic for me to carry out on race day??
Most races use the Lime Gatorade, it is the one least likely to give people a reaction.
You dont necessarly need to drink gatorade during a race. It depends on the race conditions, length of the event and your own personal sweat rate.
Two years ago when I was working at Mile 18 for the Boston Marathon I noticed alot of people had salt rings on them from their sweat. It was such a cool day, some people were drinking gatorade at every stop and didnt really need too and their body was pouring out the salt.
I would definalty drink one after a long race. I dont drink sports drinks too often. I will for example drink them if I play hockey late at night. I can never seem to get hydrated enough to not wake up with a crazy headache in the morning, and some gatorade really helps with the absorbtion.
So the bottom line, is you need to experment for you. I dont carry any of my own stuff, because water and whatever gatorade the race may have doesnt bother me. I am also not at the point where I am looking for specific performance goals. But if you are more sensative in terms of drink or a little nutrition, and if you are shooting for a certain performance goal, and well its just nice to know that YOUR gu, or gatorade or whatever is available (because it is on your person) then carry it.