Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
The past two days have absolutely sucked for CrossFit. We did Helen yesterday, and I totally dogged the runs. I got the exact same time as the last time I did Helen, which was a month ago. I was just so tired and sore from this weekend, and I wasn't mentally prepared to be there - definitely ****ed at myself.
And this morning was 100 wall balls for time, which is basically my nightmare incarnate. Took me just shy of 10 minutes. Pretty pathetic.
Yeah last week was a tough week at Crossfit for me. Definatly a "come to jesus" type week of how I let myself just get way beyond healthy. Between the Fility Fifty, Helen, and Nancy I really wanted to cry after each workout. I think mostly over how overweight I have become.
This week is better, started off with a Crossfit total.
So 1RM max of back squat, press and deadlift.
Ended up with a 570 lbs total (225 backsquat, 100 press, 245 deadlift).
And i was siked that I am at that top of the leader board, I talked to the trainers about what will happen as I lose more weight. Then again, I would rather be fit and healthy, and able to lift a little less than how I am now.
But I have always been freakisly strong, In college I would pick people up over my shoulder and spin them around, heaviest was someone at 315 and I was 80 pounds lighter, so I have a feeling most of the strength will stay.
I work out because I never want to
look like this again. I was tired of looking like a bum and feeling out of breath after I climbed two flights of stairs, so I said "ENOUGH!" and decided to make a change.
I have to say Bob your story is inspirational, when ever I have a moment where I dont want to bother anymore I think of you.
Sooo what are my goals?
first off is to lose the weight, I have gained alot of weight over the last 5 years, and while I have a whole host of excuses why bottom line is it makes me unhappy. I hate that i cant just go be active, I hate it takes my energy and I am angry at myself for letting it get this far.
Of course anger can be a great tool in the gym.

Long term goals.
I want to run a marthon
I want to compete in a triatholon
I want to wear cute dresses
I want to meet a guy who likes girls in cute dresses after that finish their triatholon and have cute active babies
( I also want to be the hippie with the garden and chickens in the back yard and that is sort of related to the diet part of this thread).
I know I can do it, I have been an active and fit person before. And I am glad I stumbled into my crossfit gym, because the community there is supportive and will not let me fall short of my goals while protecting me from being stupid. The last couple of years have been tough on me mentally, but I have learned alot and now I am even stronger mentally. Now its time to give myself the body that the rest of my awesome self deserves.