Re: Diet and Exercise 2010, pt. 2: Never Going Back
Clean/Clean&Jerk/Snatch: The olympic movements have been banned at my gym. My "coach" was asked to take all his equipment home to the disapointment of staff (not their call). The reason given is "liability". The real reason is that some mid-40s woman who is a gym user hates hearing barbells making loud noises. She finally figured out that using "liability" would be a proper excuse. There may also be some intra-personality BS between my coach and this woman... the woman used to work in my division. There was also an issue in that my coach realized after talking to a national-level coach that he was teaching the CJ/snatch wrong so there has been a re-learn phase... which I think has been helpful and I now know how to do the lifts correctly. I guess this also affected the early morning "crossfit" crowd.
Ugh People are lame.
I have had some good numbers the last two week.
Snatch 95
Clean and Jerk 132
Deadlift 260
Backsquat 235
I havent done any just pressing in a while.
At the same time I was WREAKED in a workout that simply involved running and Overhead squats. It was 5 rounds of a 400m run and then 15 OHS. I didnt not finish this workout last time so I did just 55lbs (the workout for women would be 65lbs).
Doesnt seem like alot right, I can move that amount of weight over my head, right?
By the third round and working with my coach it was about 1000% better, so hopefully when that workout comes up again I will be able to rock it. But it was nutz.
sucks, doesn't it. Quiz and I took some time off after our last tri, and it's sad how far you fall.
I think I have read that with just a few weeks off, if you have a solid base you can also come back pretty quickly. (as compared to building up that whole base).
I did it! Official time was 2:02:55! 12th out of 26 in my age group (20-29), 43rd out of 111 women. Despite the cold temps, rain, and driving winds, it was awesome!! I felt great, and more importantly I was having fun the whole time!!!
That is awesome, you look so happy and comfortable running too!!!
Good timing.
One rather interesting observation based on the article, loosely. You all know I've not been running, but I have been biking over the past four weeks. Well, I've not really changed my eating too much, BUT have also lost a little weight.

Uh, oh. It's quite possible that I'm not eating enough.
I would also venture a guess that there is some muscle confusion going on too, which causes you to burn more calories because your body isnt quite as efficient. With all the miles you log running, your body has figured out "oh ok this is how we are going to roll" so it has learned to do it with less calories overtime.
It could be you were not eating enough as well, but I would venture some of it is muscle confusion/ new activity etc.
So my own struggles this week, I have ragging shin splints, I don't think I have had these since HS. I think the problem might be I havent logged a ton of miles outside, and then I went out and just did a bunch of long runs. So I was ready for the mileage at that distance, but not the pavement. But it sucks because they even hurt for some things at the gym (some of the lifting, and even doing jumproping). So I have been doing alot of subbing in my workouts for the rower and I too have been on the bike lately.
But it looks like I am not running my first half marathon this weekend....sigh.
Otherwise I feel great, eating a clean diet, possibly cleaner than I have ever eaten and I feel fantastic (ok missing beer, wine just doesnt cut it).
And they are starting a CF endurance team at the gym, and they are totally going to help me out getting ready for my first sprint tri next season. WOOT!