Are the cis okay?
New coach, new GM... what will happen this year?
New coach, new GM... what will happen this year?
New coach, new GM... what will happen this year?
New coach, new GM... what will happen this year?
New coach, new GM... what will happen this year?
2-14. 3-13 if it's a really good year.
If this team wins more than 6 games, I may wet myself with happiness.
2-14. 3-13 if it's a really good year.
If this team wins more than 6 games, I may wet myself with happiness.
I think Gym Shortz is the real deal. So is Stafford. I see 5-8 wins this year, and hope&change for the future. If you were wondering, yes, I am one of those idiots that says this every year.
So naïve. So, so naïve.
How many wins do you see us getting? We have 40 new guys on the roster. They can't be much worse than the 2007 team that won 7 games.
How many wins do you see us getting? We have 40 new guys on the roster. They can't be much worse than the 2007 team that won 7 games.
The owner is the same, no?
You get a blood oath from Ford and his family to keep their meddling hands out of the team and some management that isn't a bunch of yes-men and we'll talk.
Otherwise, you're delusional until the day this team is sold.
We have 40 new guys on the roster.
Which should make their prospects all the more uncertain. I have no number in mind because every year the NFL has one or two surprise teams, but with such a new roster that will take time to play together, it'd be tough to expect any number of wins at this stage.