Re: Democratic Challengers 9: Can we climb this mountain? I don't know.
Right, but it was also what my OP was getting at. I haven’t seen that addressed. That bothers me. And I’m young, not rich, barely know anything about Tip O’Neil, and I’m perfectly comfortable with a democratic socialist like Warren in the White House,
Sorry, I hijacked the thread. "I will use this discussion to get on my soapbox, now take me to Cuba!"
I think you are fair to combine the "Left" vote totals, and do likewise with the "Centrist" vote totals. I'd call Yang "Other" and Bloomberg and Steyer "Billionaire."
Given that, the final totals were:
25.7 L Sanders
24.4 C Buttigieg
19.8 C Klobuchar
09.3 L Warren
08.4 C Biden
03.6 B Steyer
03.2 O Gabbard
02.8 O Yang
01.5 O Write-Ins (is Vermin Supreme still around?)
Subgroup Totals:
53.6 Centrist
35.0 Left
07.8 Other
03.6 Billionaire
Not 2:1, but still a clear win for Centrism.
We're starting to see the Full Court Press by everybody else against Sanders now because he has two wins (by popular vote) in a row. Some of that is the normal politicking of bringing the pace setter back to the peloton. Some of it is particular to Sanders' unabashed socialism, with the fat cats doing everything in their power to keep the rigged game from slipping from their control and to stop the broader US Left attaining the same class consciousness as European democracies. We have no way of disentangling how much is one or the other unless Sanders wins the nomination. At that point, fear-mongering originating from ostensible Democratic sources will be Plutes trying to save their heists.
Dump is so unsettling that this could actually be a Teachable Moment for America. Having a strongly class-committed Left, as virtually every other democracy does, is healthy for the quality of life of
all citizens. Under ordinary circumstances I'd say that breakthrough would be enough to count as magnificent progress, but against these Nazis we also have to kill the Dumpies electorally before they try to kill us literally.