St. Clown
Ideas Posted are Likely Not My Own
Re: dear board, please accept my friend request...

ETA: And the Quick Navigation on the old board setup was better before this upgrade. vBulletin did not improve that at all.
How much of the board's performance change is due to cached information from the prior build? I don't know, but it wouldn't altogether surprise me if people see improved performance with increased time on the board. My complaint, however, is aesthetics. Things were more crisp before. Like I said before, this new look has the Candyland feel to it, something fuzzy and indistinct about it.While you're right that people always complain about new designs, and always get used to them, that certainly doesn't prove that new designs are always better, just that people's memories fade about what they preferred about the old designs.
Personally, as I said upthread, this isn't about aesthetics (I don't really care if there's a new icon for rep), it's about performance. The pages are essentially the same (provide the same utility), and load more slowly. This is a thorny issue for me because I browse the board at work (SHOCKING, I know, given my ridiculous post count), and my computer here is a piece of crap that gets bogged down by pages with too much going on "under the hood", so to speak, so I strongly prefer sites with simple design. If I'm typing in a text window and the display doesn't keep up with my fingers, it's tremendously irritating.
You're just not special enough to be remembered. It remembers me just fine.There's a "Remember Me" check box by the login fields on the top right, but nothing happens when I click on it.

ETA: And the Quick Navigation on the old board setup was better before this upgrade. vBulletin did not improve that at all.
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