That sucks. My wife is going to be devastated when she finds out, being a native Kentucky girl herself and all.
Mookie would have bet anything she was already gone….
Rapper Coolio.
Had some hits in the 1990s, including "Gangsta's Paradise" and "Fantastic Voyage."
I honestly don't see the pros to allowing Idaho stops.
For a cyclist it saves a lot of energy not having to repeatedly start from a dead stop every block. It is much more efficient to slow down to say 5 MPH than to actually stop.
I guess I'm still of the opinion that if bikers want to be treated like cars they should follow the same rules.
Yeah, cause cars always come to a full stop at stop signs. Always.
Ban cars from cities, ban bikes from country roads, and let them duel on suburban streets.
Yeah, cause cars always come to a full stop at stop signs. Always.
The problem with making rolling stops legal is that you go from that to just blowing through the intersection because humans when given an inch take a mile.
A few years ago, I got a ticket while bike riding here!8i8192. Note the signs beneath the stop signs. I ride there almost everyday, and no cyclists and maybe a quarter of the motorized vehicles actually come to a complete stop unless there is traffic which is fairly rare. The USNPS police officer who issued the ticket was not in a patrol car but rather standing on the sidewalk.
Edit: And virtually none of the cars come close to obeying the current 15 MPH speed limit. (Changed this year from 20 in most places in East Potomac Park a.k.a. Hains Point)
As you should have.
Look, I'm a cyclist. Nothing pizzes me off more than to see another cyclist blow through a stop sign or a red light. Most of the time, it's done by kids or adults who are occasional riders, not the hard core fitness types, and usually it's because they don't know any better. But when I see someone who's a more serious rider do it, yeah, it bugs me. That's what makes drivers resent and even hate us, and one day, they might take that resentment out by cutting me off, or passing me too close, just for kicks. I saw a local teacher, who's also the coach of the ;ocal school's mountain bike team, just ride through a red light one day. He should know better, and he should be setting an example.
That said, if i come to a stop sign, and there's no one coming, and I'm making a right turn, I'm not fully stopping. Even if I'm going straight through, if it's clear, I'm slowing down, almost to a stop, but I'm not putting a foot down unless I absolutely have to. I can guarantee you my rolling stop is a lot slower than any cars who do the same. Safer too, because if I'm screwing up by doing so, I'm gonna be the one who gets schwacked, not anyone else.