The thread has ghosts in it, it should do cocaine about that.
Must be the ghosts of all the folks that weren’t stuffed with the Quackccine.
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The thread has ghosts in it, it should do cocaine about that.
Seems like the phantom is being hysterical. Just like they have been since march 2020. Shocking.Huh, phantom post.
In fairness this is a pretty broad brush - the public schools near me always seem to be looking for staff too.
Well, duh. Makes perfect sense to me - homeschooling is a luxury afforded only to 2-parent, single-income families, so that excludes at least the bottom 50% of families by income. If you’re in the bottom 50% and are lucky enough to have 2 parents, chances are they are both working just to make rent. Those kids are in the public school averages, not homeschool.Don't take my post as an attack on public education or an advocacy for homeschooling, because it's not. However, I thought I read a few years ago about some legit studies that were done that suggest that home schooled students tended to do slightly better on standardized tests than did their counterparts from the public schools. The only reason that I recall this is that it surprised me, and seemed completely counterintuitive.
But my mind might just be playing tricks on me too.
Oh the public schools have issues as well...I was just arguing that Privates are having issues attracting staff as well even though they are unrestrained in how they hire.
Hey man, I had years and years of catholic schooling and I turned out just fine!
Of the roughly 200 people employed at my hospital, I am one of three I’ve seen mask regularly over the past few weeks. One of the others is the CEO.
the attacks coming from chucky are from people who can’t afford private schools.
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