Well-known member
He keeps unintentionally proving that they minimize transmission despite his insistence to the contrary.So they will work for something. Good to know. Wear the **** mask.
He keeps unintentionally proving that they minimize transmission despite his insistence to the contrary.So they will work for something. Good to know. Wear the **** mask.
He keeps unintentionally proving that they minimize transmission despite his insistence to the contrary.
So they will work for something. Good to know. Wear the **** mask.
It's amazing. And he keeps proving our points that no one is saying one thing stops or prevents it. That it all needs to work together. Guy really is a bastion of stupidity.
If panicking is going for a 4 mile walk every day, reading, bbqing, smoking a cigar and exercising every night then I have been panicking since April!
The moron thinks people being concerned cause people are dying is panicking. Since he is a pathetic troll who obviously lives by himself and has no one in his life that cares for him and vice versa he doesnt understand why anyone pays attention. I am sure that is just an amazing coincidence that he sounds and acts just like Flaggy did...
Psssst. Covid-19 isn't an airborne transmission virus.[Masks] don’t do anything in stopping an airborne virus.
Psssst. Covid-19 isn't an airborne transmission virus.
Might want to check again.
So they will work for something. Good to know. Wear the **** mask.
You know what, I'll give you a little credit: there are aerosolized particles that can transmit Coronavirus.
You also know what?
Hard Pass
Makes NO sense for approximately 280,000,000 healthy people (Healthy here means, they don’t have SARS-Covid-2) to wear a pie hole cover. And that number is probably even higher than 280.
Makes little sense for the entire population to mask up for an airborne virus. I will concede a mask can catch snot if someone blows their nozzle.
You don't know that and science doesn't either regardless of your studies.
But please feel free to not wear one... especially if your state has enacted a mandatory policy.
Just the pure balance of the studies that one can find. There are so many more studies showing that masks help over the handful that they may not. Heck, one of the main "not" studies was about cloth masks vs. nothing, and that surgical masks clearly were beneficial. Even for that cloth masks- the key is to effectively clean it, as opposed to it not working.
Again, knowing what you are filtering, knowing what needs to be cleaned, and how to clean it- the balance of evidence is far, far, far, far in the "wear a mask" side.
Funny about "sense"- common, basics, whatever- nothing wrong with doubting. But by doubting, one is required to go out and do more research. I've seen plenty of "common sense" ideas be totally wrong in my field. Even see that "sense" on tube of U's videos, and how easy it to correct them. At one point, it was "common sense" that the earth was flat, too. Data and evidence changed that. At least to those willing to seriously look into it- just like masks, apparently.
Oh absolutely. My comment was more that from what I've seen it's about 75/25 mask/no mask studies and I'm sure there is a lot more out there. But it is also that since this is a novel virus...simply not enough time has passed to really get a definitive answer on anything regarding it. Hence why I would believe in following caution rather than nothing.
unfortunately the morons out there feel differently so I'll be more cautious than normal.
Guess that makes me hysterical... panicked...fearful... whatever.
If a Trumpy wants to go that road with me...an eye roll works wonders.
This whole panic thing is a way to deflect from looking at facts and a lazy way refrain from any logical thinking. It is continuous narrative that has permeated the response to C-19 starting way back in February. Points for consistency in messaging but none for logic.I was more replying to jeb- as some of the studies do have clear sizes on what the virus needs to filter. That, and there's the Cambridge study seeing what happened in various parts of the world when the mask mandate was started, showing a significant change. And I'm sure you know that significant means statistical change correlating to what happened.
WRT to the whole panic hysteria- I just don't get it. I don't see masses of panicked people. I see more hysteria over the possible hysteria- I even commented on that when a poster did that on another board- they got really upset. I think it's pretty ironic when people loose their minds ranting about people being careful as losing their minds. There's a lot more hysteria and lack of logic for the deniers than for the people concerned about it. There's also a lot more name calling and labeling of people, as well as mocking. But that latter part is par for the course of people calling themselves "family values loving" r's out there.
Well this won't make certain people happy
Well this won't make certain people happy