You are correct I have an emotional stake in this. Like everyone else, this pandemic has turned the lives of my family upside down and caused endless amounts of concern and stress brought on by the changes in our daily routine. I have kids in college who are have classes completely online or meeting in gyms so they can spread out. I haven't been able to go back to my office since March. My 80+ year old mother and in-laws have lost much of their social lives for the last several months. This list for us (and most people) goes on and on. So forgive me but when one of your first links is to a story that opens with "An International Group of Lawyers Have Brought a Lawsuit that the Covid Pandemic Is an Orchestrated Hoax in Behalf of Pharmaceutical Profits and Police State Control", I immediately get frustrated with you for wasting everyone's time and, even worse, spreading information that will do nothing but undermine people's trust of serious experts trying to get this country out of this mess. Any other information included in your post, for me, is immediately invalidated by the above article because the mere fact that you thought that article was worth sharing "for consideration" puts you in a category of people I don't want to hear from on this topic. It's as if you posted a link to a flat earth article; I don't trust anything said after someone circulates such nonsense.
This is serious sh**. Wasting time on conspiracy theories rather than doing and supporting things that actually may help, to me, is simply irresponsible and uncaring of your fellow citizens. If all these people who spend so much energy battling against wearing masks and social distancing would just suck it up and do those things, this would be under control much sooner than later.
But did you watch the video or did you just read the title and assume you knew what it was all about and started lighting up your flame thrower? If you can't control your understandable frustration how are you ever going to be able to educate yourself with facts?...and I say this with all due respect.
I'm assuming from what you have said that you didn't even watch the video. They didn't say that the virus doesn't exist. What they said was that a viral pandemic doesn't exist but a testing pandemic does...and this one lawyer (who, I believe has dual citizenship...German/American) explains their case in a very logical and rational manner...exposing the truths that they have apparently uncovered...for anyone who is interested in the truth...instead of believing fiction. But you'd have to want to know the truth badly enough to spend time checking things like this out. But therein lies a huge part of the problem...there are too many people who don't think for themselves/investigate...they just follow orders. I'm not saying that you are one of may or may not be...I don't know.
Did you watch the second video with the doctors who held a press conference outside of Congress a couple of months ago? If not, I strongly recommend that you watch that as well as long as you have any interest in finding out what is really going on. If not, you will be wasting your time. Maybe your beliefs are so entrenched that you have no interest in facts. I have the same choices and prefer to search for the truth as opposed to living in a government induced suspended animation fairy tale. But that's just me.
I never said that this was not serious. I have concluded since back in February because of information that I read that it is just not nearly as bad as we are and have been lead to believe. If you have been paying attention you know that the authorities have mostly been making this stuff up as they go and acting out of fear. That's a great plan.
And using a cheap and discredited phrase like conspiracy theories is pretty disappointing. Of course, you must be aware that anyone who calls someone else a conspiracy theorist must by definition be a coincidence theorist. Just trying to shine the light on both sides of the ledger.
I'll leave you with a couple more facts...not opinions...for your consideration.
As far back as February I was reading accounts of doctors in Europe (I think it was France among other countries) who were screaming from the rooftops that there is a very effective treatment...hydroxychloroquine. But they kept saying that it has to be administered early...if not, it doesn't do much good. From reading a lot of related information I concluded that there are several specific reasons why hydroxychloroquine doesn't least "doesn't work" according to Fauci.
The reasons are that it has 60-70 year world wide tack record as being safe, it is effective, it is readily available and it is extremely inexpensive.
That's why it "doesn't work".
One of the European medical professionals that I alluded to earlier who has been shouting their praises for hydroxychloroquine from the rooftops since February has greater credentials that Fauci.
Do you think Fauci is unaware of all this? He was the head of the NIH back in 2002, I believe it was, when they officially declared hydroxychloroquine safe. So, how can it be that he is now telling everyone who will listen that it is addition to its not working? And he just points to studies where people with the virus who were in the late stages of its progression were given hydroxychloroquine and claims that it didn't work. Because it didn't...because they were given it too late.
Do you really think Fauci is that uninformed or ignorant? If so, what is he doing in the position that he occupies? And if you are not aware of any of this you might want to ask yourself why you aren't.
The guiding principal of the medical profession is to Cause No Harm.
I shouldn't have been, but I was shocked when I discovered back in February that a major part of the funding for the WHO and the CDC comes from the multinational pharmaceutical companies. Gee, what could go wrong?
Back in March I saw the head of the CDC addressing the US medical profession imploring them to follow these instructions: if you have a patient who has COVID-19 and they die...regardless of any comorbidities that they have that you suspect caused their the cause of death in the COVID-19 column because we'll get more money from the government. How unbelievably irresponsible...possibly even criminal...again...what could go wrong?
Lastly, giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that you actually are interested in knowing the facts (or at least some of them) on this topic, here's an article you might be interested in.
It's an effort put forth by 7,487 doctors (to date) in their effort to end their being silenced by governments and the media with respect to getting as much truth/facts out to the citizens of this planet as possible regarding COVID-19. It is similar to the second video that I previously posted with the doctors giving the press conference outside of Congress.
Hopefully, you are not going to tell me that you think you know more that 7,487 doctors. If you do, all the power to you. I would then just ask, why are you wasting your time on a womens' hockey website?
Only facts can guide the way...fact free opinions and hysteria don't cut it. They only make a bad situation worse which I know is important to you since that is what you have accused me of doing.
Here you go: