He was an Alex Jones acolyte.
Even fessed to buying his elixers.
He was an Alex Jones acolyte.
But Sic doesn't ask ' honest questions'. He feigns innocence as to what he's doing as 'just asking the question' when all he's really doing is just more of the rightwing nut job owning the libs shtick.
Flaggy went Q before anyone knew what Q was. He was an Alex Jones acolyte.
But Sic doesn't ask ' honest questions'. He feigns innocence as to what he's doing as 'just asking the question' when all he's really doing is just more of the rightwing nut job owning the libs shtick.
To be fair, Cheney was President, Dubya was just a meat puppet.
I have a clear memory of reading the print Newsweek article about how Cheney, who was appointed by Bush and his old man to screen candidates for VP, came to the startling conclusion that he himself was actually the very very best candidate, although gosh he really hadn't been thinking of running, but would certainly consider doing so since he had found out himself that he was the very very best one, and I thought, "Uh oh."
Even fessed to buying his elixers.
Was it you who always brought that up in responding to his posts? That always made me smile.
Yeah Flaggy was a 4chaner running with a lot of the now "Q" conspiracies before Q was a thing. Walmart FEMA Death Camps, Jade Helm, Indoctrination Centers, mass shooting false flags, Chemtrails, 9/11 was an inside job type crap. I guarantee he fell down the Rabbithole.
Was it you who always brought that up in responding to his posts? That always made me smile.
Yeah Flaggy was a 4chaner running with a lot of the now "Q" conspiracies before Q was a thing. Walmart FEMA Death Camps, Jade Helm, Indoctrination Centers, mass shooting false flags, Chemtrails, 9/11 was an inside job type crap. I guarantee he fell down the Rabbithole.
But Sic doesn't ask ' honest questions'. He feigns innocence as to what he's doing as 'just asking the question' when all he's really doing is just more of the rightwing nut job owning the libs shtick.
Has this been established?
What little I saw of Jeb before Ignoring he seemed like just another mindless GOP derp, like those guys who parachute in from the D-1 board. Flaggy though was a special kind of insane -- I'm certain Flaggy went full Q.
Jeb seemed like another fungible Ted Cruz punchable face. Flaggy was MTG batsh-t cazy.
I'm willing to admit I may have simply confused Pio with Bob. They both had Chestertonian "I'm explaining Christianity to you for the good of your own soul" pomposity. I remember they were both old, but one of them was quirky in an interesting way. Which is the one who always on about the Tridentine Mass? I liked that obsession (seeing I have it myself).
Bob is/was living in Arizona when posting on the board, grew up in MN, attended UMD. He also had the hard Christian thing going on and a couple adopted kids.
Old Pio was from Chicago, attended DU, and I think he stayed in the area, but not sure. He had a radio background, like to talk music, and died not long ago from a disease he never discussed on the board, not that I remember, anyway.
Q aren't really 'conspiracy theories' though. Q is Naziism warmed over for a new generation. A group of evil, blood-drinking, sub-humans are trying to destroy the way of life of good, patriotic hard-working white Americans, and must be stopped at all costs. They will all be arrested or killed during the The Storm which will be coming, ledby our fearless leader.
Bob is/was living in Arizona when posting on the board, grew up in MN, attended UMD.
I'm certain Flaggy went full Q.