I admittedly got my law degree from Law & Order University, but in both cases, isn't there a case for depraved indifference? Especially with the Chauvin case. The defense if pushing that George Floyd died because of drugs in his system, or whatever. OK, let's say that's the case. That STILL doesn't mean you should kneel on his neck for 9 minutes. If you thought he was having cardiac issues, or whatever, call an ambulance and try to keep him alive. That way he survives and you can make sure he goes to jail. But instead, you kneel on his neck and do nothing to help him to ensure he survive and make sure he goes to jail. With her, yes, she seems contrite, but she did shoot the guy.
Every time I watch a police drama and the bad guys are getting away by car, the police shoot at the car. And I always yell "SHOOT THE TIRES!" Because then the car doesn't get away (or it's more difficult). On that same thought - when watching police dramas and the police shoot a suspect who is running away, I always yell "SHOOT AT THE LEGS!" because they always wind up shooting the perp in the chest, or head or whatever and the perp dies. Why did Officer Potter have to shoot where it would kill him? Even if she was going to taser him. Taser the arm or something. I know not all police officers are the best shot yet they seem to always shoot where it does the most damage.