Of course he's a fan of the cops. They didn't strangle him for trying to pass counterfeit bills.
Chauvin got 270 months. 22.5 years. He'll likely serve around 15
Hopefully, someone kneels on his neck long before that.
15 years for taking a life for absolutely no reason at all. That's a pretty good deal for Chauvin. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he was convicted and glad he'll do something more than city time, but man, there are people out there I may think are worth killing if I knew I'd come out in 15 years. It's just too bad some good guy with a gun wasn't there to save George Floyd...
It's just too bad some good guy with a gun wasn't there to save George Floyd...
From what I've read from lawyers around the country, this is better than expected, and around what they had hoped for, all things considered. Most of us wanted more, but this is still 15+ years of his life that will be spent ... unpleasantly.
Chauvin got 270 months. 22.5 years. He'll likely serve around 15
Jesus, even the prisons in Oakdale are fucking boring
Do you really think this? I’m sure the CO’s will look after him and his experience will be much different than the average person.
Do you really think this? I’m sure the CO’s will look after him and his experience will be much different than the average person.
Of course they'll look after him (the white ones anyway). But they can't protect everyone. I have a few friends that are COs. Even high profile prisoners aren't in sight at all times.
I would assume he is going to Oak Park Heights so he will likely be in lockdown not Gen Pop. I forget how it all works though...
Also remember if all else fails he can still get Federal Time too right?
Yeah, but this dude is going to go to White Middle Class Prison. It's not like his cellmates are going to be Da Lench Mob. He will be fine.