Rodent of Unusual Size
Re: College Footbal 2009: Anybody want to be in the Top 5?,2933,568415,00.html

I haven't been following the program as closely since i graduated... but this is something that while I'm not surprised could happen, it is something that shouldn't happen. There's too many people out there who are out looking for trouble as opposed to trying to get through school and UConn has quite a few of those. I could speculate further but I won't. This is no comment on the football team and if anything I'm commenting on those not belonging to the football team. Bottom line is some twerp went to a campus event with a knife on his person. Period.
This is no commentary on the player or whatever went down. Bottom line is this took place in the center of campus where I've been FREQUENTLY at 12:30AM. This wasn't some kid's barely-off-campus party. Things that occur are the student union are often alcohol-aversion events but they do have concerts as well. I have no idea what function was going on and for all I know they had a fair amount of outsiders.
This shouldn't happen in the middle of campus at UConn. I'm not going to blame the school because I don't know what they could have honestly done, and I say that not being there. If you know me then I have enough to complain about UConn. I believe that there's enough people who value themselves so little, despite being in college, to pull off stupid stunts like this.,2933,568415,00.html

I haven't been following the program as closely since i graduated... but this is something that while I'm not surprised could happen, it is something that shouldn't happen. There's too many people out there who are out looking for trouble as opposed to trying to get through school and UConn has quite a few of those. I could speculate further but I won't. This is no comment on the football team and if anything I'm commenting on those not belonging to the football team. Bottom line is some twerp went to a campus event with a knife on his person. Period.
This is no commentary on the player or whatever went down. Bottom line is this took place in the center of campus where I've been FREQUENTLY at 12:30AM. This wasn't some kid's barely-off-campus party. Things that occur are the student union are often alcohol-aversion events but they do have concerts as well. I have no idea what function was going on and for all I know they had a fair amount of outsiders.
This shouldn't happen in the middle of campus at UConn. I'm not going to blame the school because I don't know what they could have honestly done, and I say that not being there. If you know me then I have enough to complain about UConn. I believe that there's enough people who value themselves so little, despite being in college, to pull off stupid stunts like this.