The Queen of Katwe tells the rags-to-riches story of Phiona Mutesi, a young, uneducated slum girl who first turned up at one of the Katwe Academy's chess sessions in 2005, mostly for the free porridge.
A few years later she became the first female winner of the country's junior chess championships and by the age of 17, she was representing Uganda at international competitions.
Has anyone here seen this movie?
Has it been released yet? I thought it was coming out in September but could certainly be wrong about that.
Magnus needs to get it in gear.
"Rapid and blitz chess are first of all for enjoyment." - Magnus Carlsen[67]
"Playing rapid chess, one can lose the habit of concentrating for several hours in serious chess. That is why, if a player has big aims, he should limit his rapidplay in favour of serious chess." – Vladimir Kramnik[68]
"Yes, I have played a blitz game once. It was on a train, in 1929." – Mikhail Botvinnik[68]
"He who analyses blitz is stupid." – Rashid Nezhmetdinov[68]
"Blitz chess kills your ideas." – Bobby Fischer[68]
"To be honest, I consider [bullet chess] a bit moronic, and therefore I never play it." – Vladimir Kramnik[69]
"Blitz – it's just a pleasure." – Vladimir Kramnik[70]
"I play way too much blitz chess. It rots the brain just as surely as alcohol." – Nigel Short[71]
"Blitz is simply a waste of time." – Vladimir Malakhov[72]
"[Blitz] is just getting positions where you can move fast. I mean, it's not chess." – Hikaru Nakamura[73]
Carlson just threw away a great position with a huge time advantage (at one point 12 minutes to less than a minute) in the second rapid game. It's his birthday, too. Karjakin is supposedly famous for saving impossible positions. He found a drawing move with at his lowest ebb 4 seconds left. The analysts said that on his last dozen moves he played the computational "ideal" move.
I must be bad luck for Carlson. I've now seen three of his matches and in two of them he's inexplicably peaced out.. This one was pretty damaging too both coming from white and surprising everyone with a terrific opening (infamously his only weakness, if you can say a world champion is in any way "weak").
Here is the live feed I am watching. The analysts are excellent although I miss the Polgar sisters.
Is it just me or does gustafsson look a little drunk?
why are the clocks different? upper right is official?