Hey all,
after reviewing every post on this board and looking at the various video footage and photos, I have made my decision on what should be done.
Due to the nature of the violations, both schools will disband ALL athletic programs immediately. Michigan Tech will replace UND at the Final Five. However, due to the expulsion of UND and the deleterious effects on attendance, the Final Five tournament will be cancelled. Last years champions, tUMD Bulldogs, will retain their tournament crown for 2010. And finally, all the *****ing, whining goofer fans are permanently banned from any and all hockey and lacrosse related activity in perpetuity.
I think this will appease all parties involved in the cataclysmic miscarriage of justice know as the Goofers loss to the Fighting Sioux in the WCHA Playoffs 2010. No appeals will be permitted (sorry MTU).