well mostly i think its hypocritical that in the same place she would have a pre-written speech making fun of obama for using a teleprompter she would also need pre-written answers for pre-written questions.
but yes, i think she cheated, because its the same things she's been muttering since mccain picked her. oh 'rein in spending' 'energy' 'low taxes'. these had to be written down to remember again? i wonder where she wrote down there were 2 koreas in case that came up in the lightning round. if she cant remember the answer to a staged question (let alone think on her own) she cant be president. sorry.
look, i understand this is going to be split down party lines. no real surprise here. so i'm not trying to get into a convincing match with people who have their mind made up, or with anyone who thinks they have a shot to use 'pick up artist' skills from VH1 to bang her. but God help us if she wins, and as a country, we'll get what we deserve.