No problem, imo. As others have written; intense training & pressure, they deserve to let go.
However, could you imagine the outrage around the world if Team USA would have won and did the same thing???
Wait... you're being serious? I thought that was just hyperbole! I sob.It sure as hell wouldn't have been the lead story on Good Morning America...
These athletes have trained 4 years/their whole lives and they accomplished their goal of winning a gold medal. Let them celebrate! I would celebrate for a week or two if I were them! Calm down and let them enjoy the moment. Cigars/beer/champagne, who cares, I would enjoy it all!
I agree celebrate you deserve it!
but the definition of class is having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior. This celebration lacked class.
Celebrate in the locker room show respect for the women's game I have yet to see NHL teams win the cup and then tap a keg on the ice to celebrate there is a right and a wrong way of doing things and for those who see nothing wrong with this behavior forget about the values sport is suppose to stand for. They knew the camera's were on so it should be no surprise that it looked disrespectful!! Women's hockey has taken a beating the last two weeks and the Canadians did not help it!
The IOC isn't happy ? BOO HOO. Were the celebrations a bit over the top? Maybe. But to have the IOC blowing sanctimonious hot air around may be the ultimate in hypocrisy. They (the IOC) need to look long and hard in the mirror before they start judging these ladies. The history of the IOC is littered with scandal all the way back to Lord Killanin stripping Jim Thorpe of his medals because he wasn't a true amateur. Self righteous windbags the lot of them.
The USA men who trashed the hotel way back when did not receive this much ink and in my opinion their behavior was far more egregious.
Congrats to both teams on a superb game and run up to it.
I agree celebrate you deserve it!
but the definition of class is having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior. This celebration lacked class.
Celebrate in the locker room show respect for the women's game I have yet to see NHL teams win the cup and then tap a keg on the ice to celebrate there is a right and a wrong way of doing things and for those who see nothing wrong with this behavior forget about the values sport is suppose to stand for. They knew the camera's were on so it should be no surprise that it looked disrespectful!! Women's hockey has taken a beating the last two weeks and the Canadians did not help it!
Wait... you're being serious? I thought that was just hyperbole! I sob.
The really hypocritical part of this is that at some point some media boob will say something like, "These women are role models for young girls and these impressionable children shouldn't see this." If the media didn't blow this crap out of proportion, then the young'uns last image of these players would be them hugging, kissing medals, and singing, "Oh, Canada".
I'm sad that in my day alcohol was a neccessity of celebration and that our society hasn't gotten any smarter over the years. Personally, I have, but it was path that I wish I'd never had to travel in the first place.
Celebrate in the locker room show respect for the women's game I have yet to see NHL teams win the cup and then tap a keg on the ice to celebrate there is a right and a wrong way of doing things and for those who see nothing wrong with this behavior forget about the values sport is suppose to stand for. They knew the camera's were on so it should be no surprise that it looked disrespectful!! Women's hockey has taken a beating the last two weeks and the Canadians did not help it!
There is a component of society for which alcohol consumption is sad.I think it's sad that you think having an adult malted beverage is sad.
Hey wait. You can't, as has happened for years, applaud women's olympic hockey teams as the leading promoter of the explosive growth of women's hockey and then come back and say they are not role models. Why would you expect that this episode would not have an effect on "impressionable" children?
For me, the issue is much more a function of the role of alcohol in our society today. The feeling that to celebrate, alcohol is a virtual must. How many sporting events can you watch on TV today where there is not the logo of a brewery somewhere in the shot at all times? Zero.
I worked for more than 20 years in the beer business for America's leading brewer (now Belgium's leading brewer) and one thing was made abundantly clear to me. If you're drinking a six pack a week, they want you to drink two six packs. It's all about growing their barrelage and although they spend millions on "know when to say when", etc., programs, they spend a thousand times more to make people feel like their lives can't be fulfilled without drinking their products. Long, long ago, when my daughter was around 4 years old, we were walking out of my parent's home when an A-B commercial came on TV. Most people would probably remember the commercial with the ants carrying a bottle of beer and emptying it into the entrance to their ant hole. My daughter grabbed my hand and said, "wait Dad, this is my favorite commercial." That was the day I knew that I needed to get out of the beer business. Yes, they can tout that they don't approve of underage drinking but they have no qualms about targeting underage drinkers so that when they reach the age of decision, or have someone buy it for them, they already know what they want to drink. Really not that much different than the tobacco industry in that regard.
I'm not condemning the girls, really I find it kind of sad that, as I said before, alcohol is a must to celebrate. They're no different than I was at that age as my college track team, which only lost two dual meets in four years, had numerous state champions on it, myself included, used to get off the bus when returning home and go straight into a bar. I'm sad that in my day alcohol was a neccessity of celebration and that our society hasn't gotten any smarter over the years. Personally, I have, but it was path that I wish I'd never had to travel in the first place.
You are such an idiot! Steve Yzermen sat at centre ice of JL arena with a beer and the Stanley Cup. You think there's never been alcohol in the Stanley Cup? I've got bundles of stories about The Cup. This is good stuff for the Canadian girls. They worked their tushies off their entire lives to win this medal... CELEBRATE GIRLS...Canada is behind you all the way!!
Ah...someone is looking slightly juiced in this photo.
Just kidding.
Sure seems to be big news everywhere I go on the net. A little, or a lot out of proportion I'd say.
I think it is a great pic. Let these players savor the moment. It's a ONCE IN A LIFETIME event for most. If you have ever won a BIG (and I mean National or better) event you'd understand.
P.S...Read the label on the Champagne Bottle in the pic......Priceless