Nobody in the Political-Financial Complex has an answer to
Dear 99.9% of rich people and 99.9% of politicians from both parties,
All of America hates you. All of us. From BLM to MAGA. From Antifa to Main Street. From poor urban blacks to poor rural whites. And
every young person in the ghetto, the sticks, and the suburbs.
all hate you. We know you are the problem. We know your whole lives have been spent first being educated to rip us off and then being indoctrinated in philosophies that allow you to sleep at night behind your gates and your guards.
It's over for you. Take whatever you can scrape together and go, because we are coming for you to claw back every dollar you have stolen from us for the last fifty years. With interest.
We are America. You are a cancer that temporarily ran wild, but now we are cutting you out.