Yeah they need this to hold out til Friday or the squeeze won't work. They were too open about discussing it and so the retail buyers they needed to keep feeding the beast are staying away. IN THEORY if the price dips low enough you might see some jump in and hope for a short term (and much less lucrative) gain before the crash but I don't see it happening.
That said I agree with this take on why the Retail Model is not going away and is going to be a headache for hedge funds:
The CNBC types like to pretend it is a bunch of nerdy incels sitting at home just day trading between Fortnite rounds. In reality these guys are doing the research and are finding the values in much the same way the hedge funds are but the difference is it might hundreds if not thousands of people from all different sectors and walks of life doing it. They won't always try and crash the market like this one, but they will be able to fleece the market just as well as Melvin can. The information is out there and readily available and there is a lot of people with a lot of time on their hands right now. You put together a good group of 2-300 people around the country/world and you can do a lot of damage. Collectives and co-ops with people who put in the time to research can be fruitful and won't have to pay out the fees a brokerage house or hedge fund would charge.
That is why the CNBC and WSJ types are coming out hard against this stuff. If anyone can do it, what do they need them for? It also shows why the market is an awful indicator of how the economy is going. The market is a long term ponzi scheme.
JMHO...worth a whole lot less than the $2.69 I paid for my battery charging stock that is not over $60 ;^)