When I saw a story online about that reddit thread and GME, a couple of things came to mind.
1. Is there anyone in the world happier right now than those GME corporate types who have been saddled with a stock in a dead company in a deadend industry, as they call their broker each morning and sell a little more?
2. Might be a great time to short GME stock.
3. All those people buying shares in this company where it's share price is up 700% or something are going to learn an interesting lessen when the drive to buy on that forum ends. Now, they're not going to take a bath like some of the hedge funds they're trying to bankrupt, because it's more of a crowd sourcing deal, but I wouldn't even want to buy 10 shares of a stock at $150/share, knowing that within the last year it traded at $3/share or something, and knowing it will probably end up back there very quickly.
4. Hedge fund guys are smart. The gamers may have gotten the hedgies this time, but next time, look out. They will figure out a way to manipulate this and we haven't seen the last of these crowd sourced share price explosions, and the hedgies will figure out a way to be on the winning end.