Hug someone you care about...
Kinda makes sense, it makes ESPN+ your go to from which you launch what you want. Who's carrying the game? Who gives a sh**, log onto ESPN+ and go from there.
It's like using the old MSN Homepage, or Google, or Yahoo Home.
Explaining to Brayden and Kayden why Marquee won't stream without their parents Xfinity TV account info is going to be trickier.
Its a short term "solution" to their longterm problems. They think they can do that and charge through the nose for advertising on the site and make up for the massive amounts they are losing.
The funny part is they think that at no point will their competitors start to monetize it too. There is no way Apple or WBD is going to just let them link it and collect ad dollars for free. They will wait until ESPN is vulnerable and then cut the links and renegotiate a huge backend deal which will make the whole thing moot. And that is if the competitors even allow for it which they likely won't. (and certainly not exclusively)
ESPN is trying so hard to cling to a model that just doesn't work...and they suck at it anayways.