Apparently the #2 investor behind Musk is the (wait for it) Saudi royal family. It has been reported that they have sunk $2 billion into Twitter and want him to **** and put someone competent in charge. Billionaires like Ellison and Thiel also chipped in. Who knows how much of it is real and how much of it is Monopoly money.
It is funny to think that the rightwingnuts who think Musk is a champion of free speech are being hoodwinked by the Saudis...famous for their love of bonesaws...I mean freedom. Their love of freedom.
Part of me thinks they backed him taking down Twitter because it threatens their authoritarian rule, but the fact they want a competent CEO sends the message they want to save Twitter and see it as an actual investment. The truth probably lies somewhere in between.
As for why people don't is still a useful place to share and gather the news and to talk to friends. Although that utility is shrinking every day as features disappear and it gets harder to find reliable sources for that news. It is almost impossible to have a conversation anymore. I have stopped tweeting as I have seen engagement with my messages go from thousands to dozens. It is yelling into the void at this point. Once Melon gets Twitter Blue working there will be essentially no reason left to stay, except morbid curiosity on when the site will come crashing down. I pity the content creators and small, independent businesses who rely on social media for exposure. A considerable stream of revenue has, or is about to, go away. I know many people who make a living from having a sizable SM presence who face becoming irrelevant overnight.