I was watching an analyst talk about the tech layoffs, and he mentioned two things- for most of the tech companies laying off, they are going to have to lay off thousands and thousands more to get back to the pre-COVID expansion. They are swimming with people. And 2- all of the people being laid off are hugely skilled, and are going into a worker market that is very short of employees.
As for Twitter, part one does not apply, because musk, but part 2 very much does. It sounds like everyone leaving twitter have more than one opening to apply to in the tech industry. So hopefully, they will all be fine.
I commented to that university of tubes news video that musk is not the brilliant rocket scientist or auto mogul that his worshipers make him out to be. He's bringing money to other people's ideas, and the willingness to burn through it before success. Space X was able to go fast as they made (and are still making) a lot of expensive mistakes. But with that comes success and thanks to russia, a pretty strong demand for rocket travel. This is all about the engineers and scientists that work for SpaceX, not Musk.
And the same goes for Tesla. EV's are not at all Musk's ideas- his major risk was to make EV's with LiIon batteries- which is really risky due to their fire risk. It's working, but there have been far more Tesla car fires than anyone else. And when they faced really hard production problems (that he claimed he would never have, thinking the auto industry are a bunch of hacks), it has taken a long time to fix those- which he STILL has. Tesla's are really good cars, for sure, but they are nowhere near the worship they get. People have died because of their touted self driving modes, and somehow they get away with it. This compared with people making up fire problems for Ford (the Pinto was far, far from unique in the 70s, and the Crown Vic police problems were totally made up) which the media crucified Ford.
Musk is a horrible person. He cares more about making more money for himself and more power than the people working for him- and it's been that way for a long time- it's just now that people are seeing how he treats his slaves thanks to what's going on with twitter.