When thevonly verified people are crackpots, dictators and racists in 6 months and all advertising besides other racists and crackpots flees his status as a business genius will plummet like a Trump building's value.
GM already halted all advertising spending on Twitter as of yesterday.
We need them all to do it. Leave them OAN and My Pillow. Maybe Westboro Baptist will cut a spot.
No one under 50 uses facebook anymore.
Don't tell that to my wife and most of her friends.
This.There's always a few stragglers. The fact is all social media is a tool and can be used effectively. I still use Facebook but I don't use it for News.
I’m sure the 50+ Tesla employees he’s got with him working at twitter are working out well
IPG (one of the biggest ad corps in the world) is telling their clients to hold off on spending on Twitter in Q4.
They're so fucked.
Twitter has legit sources and I imagine most of those posting here are able to wade through the nonsense 99% of the time.
Well seeing as Teslas are buggy as hell I expect Twitter to run like this board by this time next year ;^)
Well seeing as Teslas are buggy as hell I expect Twitter to run like this board by this time next year ;^)
My uncle has had two Tesla’s for years and is concerned that the company is lead by a madman.
anothet liberal friend I have just bought a Tesla and is afraid to tell anyone because of Elon.
my rush Limbaugh loving cousin is getting a Tesla because Elon is cool now.
I still think it's only a matter of time before Tesla shareholders open a class action suit against Musk for using Tesla engineers at Twitter.