Here it is. So if Pandolfo, why the delay? Unless you think he'd be telling recruits behind the scenes that he's the guy. That seems doubtful. Word would get out.
This and my original statement can both be true. What I'm saying is I don't believe the fact that there's been no announcement means Jay is
not the HC. If we're having this conversation a week from now, I believe it does indicate it's not Jay.
A few things:
- We're only 72 hours out from when Albie was not renewed.
- If DQ is actually interested, there may be some time there for negotiations - particularly of his buyout if he were to leave. I don't believe this is likely.
- If BU (particularly Bob Brown) wants to interview multiple candidates, that would require the rest of the past week to complete and come to a decision. Bob Brown was heavily involved in the last coaching search. I suspect Brown would push Drew to interview multiple candidates, particularly non-BU ones, if Drew's first choice was Jay. There's no way to do realistically do this in <48 hours.
- If they came to an agreement on the contract with anyone at any point on Friday, they'd wait until Monday to make a formal announcement with a press conference. They want good PR for this, PR 101 - never make an announcement on a Friday afternoon. In the interim, they'd likely inform players and recruits what the decision is. Wouldn't shock me if there was a planned leak towards the end of the weekend if this were the case.
My calling for a quick hire was to not drag this out for a lengthy period. I said this to a friend, this needs to be resolved in a week. We're not there yet. Mostly in response to Drew's quote of targeting April 20 to have someone. That create 3+ weeks of instability and no leadership - players and recruits would be poached. My understanding is that date was more for a quote and not the actual target. They're moving quick.
There's no difference between announcing a coach this past Friday and Monday or Tuesday. There's little risk there of players/recruits leaving who wouldn't leave under any circumstance. If we get towards the end of next week and there's no announcement, there's a problem.
My actual thoughts?
Most likely Jay. It'd be announced early next week. I have no information on that, just a guess.
We've heard of no one hitting the portal since the Albie news hit Wednesday. No one else went pro. This indicates there's someone keeping things stable behind the scenes and there's an understanding in place. To me, that indicates it's Jay. The only wild card at this point would be DQ, but that seems highly unlikely.
Some other things:
- Eric's point about Giving Day is a good one. I suspect they're
actually targeting that day. If possible, make the announcement Monday, presser Tuesday, collect donations Wednesday.
- Hastings is a pipe dream. I don't believe it's a $ issue, just doesn't line up. If you're going to go after him and outpay Mankato, why not go after Carvel or Leaman instead and get just as good of a coach with roots in the area already.