I did not take the survey - but for fun here would be my answers (and some don't fit into a clean yes or no which is perhaps why i did not take the survey).
1. Are you a Boston University alum? Yes
2. Are you a season ticket holder? Yes (For 20+ years but have been considering opting out for some time due to distance, traffic, other life getting in the way of attending games. I've been keeping them as I do enjoy the games I can get to and will hold onto my seats for the future if / when life changes and I can get to more games)
3. Do you donate to the hockey program No (because I donate exclusively to the sport for which I played at BU)
4. Do you want BU to replace Head Coach Albie O'Connell? No ... or maybe N/A is the best answer for my feelings. (Not that I had that strong of an opinion of wanting him staying - just don't feel it is my place to try to influence the university in this way)
5. If BU hires a new head coach should he be a former BU player? Preferred but not a hard line requirement.
6. If BU hires a new head coach should be have head coaching experience? Depends on the applicant.
The final question was an essay question:
7. If you would like a new head coach who would you like BU to hire? Now that we are at this point, I'll go out on a limb and say Pandolfo.