Frankly, I applaud the 18 year olds who go the college route... you know who else plays in the NHL? Larger, skilled, adults. Learn to play against them. There are many things that go into this but another factor may be just having too many "kids" in one room. Cultures are sculpted and can sometimes be fragile things. The team aspect matters a whole lot in the end so you're plugging in personalities together as much as anything else. I'm not calling out BU for issues current or past, think of it more as "good" and "better". Players a year or two older may have the maturity and lesson learning aspects down better or they know that its "now or never" so they ought to listen.
I don't have the answer to this for you guys (no kidding, huh?)... it takes a lot to get talent to execute within a system. I don't even know if Norm could handle the personalities that comes with the talent... and that's not to knock on him but rather to say that different types can be worked in different ways.
If it were me I'd listen to the culture to figure out what its saying... but I only say that for you super-diehards that are closer to the program. the only thing I can think is that the goal should be to build strong leaders and that the on ice play will follow.