Seriously. That post had two purposes:
1. Stick up for his family friends who had their feelings hurt.
2. Show he's a baller and can drop $50K whenever he wants.
He doesn't care about Brown hockey in the least. He took his swipe and then self-identified as a big shot.
What a clown.
Really forget the post look at the hard data from the program, the guy probably does care about Brown hockey. Ulterior motive? Every player cited are seniors how does that help them? Is very accurate about the respect of the assistant coach.
Brown University hockey program, on a consistent downward trend.
Standard Team Statistics
Goals ranked 54 of 60 teams
Goals against ranked 57 of 60 teams
Shots ranked 56 of 60 teams
Shot % ranked 55 of 60 teams
ShA ranked 27 of 60 teams
Save % ranked 60 of 60 teams .871
PP% ranked 60 of 60 teams 7.6%
PK% ranked 60 of 60 teams 72.2%
SHG ranked 17 of 60 teams 5
SHGA ranked 43 of 60 teams 3
FO% ranked 46 of 60 teams 47.5
Penalty minutes 51 of 60 (and coach does not bench repeatedly dumb penalties)
Age 21.11 ranked 35 of 60 teams
Average attendance ranked 57 of 60 teams
Whittet Career .360 win % and 4 of 8 seasons with under 10 wins 3 with 5 or under.
Career Totals: 76 149 35 .360 this year .167%
You seriously trying to defend this program's outcomes, who cares if the guy's got money. The outcomes speaks for thenselves. If they actually analyzed individual data performance, players are not used to their strengths. If you cared about Brown hockey you would want to know what the university's administration was doing to address this. A true fan would have their feelings hurt that the University allowed this to go on.
You think they will get a SINGLE high level recruit with this performance, having spoken to multiple scouts watching games-they report NO one will send a kid here due to coaching and university support.
Let's move on from this debacle, and get this program headed in the right direction again.
If you want to sit in the stands for the next ten years watching teams get punished, losing over and over again I guess that is fine for you. Just because you have sat in the stands longer doesn't mean you are right. There is not much to support your stance. Some of us would like to see Brown field a more competitive program, and that means something has to change,