Re: Boston University - 2017-2018 season - thread numero uno
EDIT: 12-12-17 - Sold items removed from lists below
Photos of all the jerseys posted at: (practice jerseys) (game jerseys)
EDIT: 10-12-17 - Added 10 more practice jerseys, some with very light wear and no repairs
EDIT: 10-15-17 - Sold items removed from lists below
Hi all,
I recently received a large shipment of nearly 80 jerseys from BU after they did some house cleaning at Agginis. To the best of my knowledge most of these jerseys have never been worn (except the practice jerseys which are heavily worn / repaired) and date back to the late 1990s and early 2000s. There are brand new still in the bag NIKE jerseys (home and road), a bunch of brand new NIKE home jerseys which have been numbered (most with names) which I believe were made up for the 1999-00 season but were never used and lastly is an assortment of practice jerseys in dark navy, forest green, orange and grey.
All the jerseys are the same pro quality the team wore on the ice by the team during the NIKE era. The ones which have no names/numbers might be a nice jersey to send over to Custom Crafted and have done up with your own or your favorite past player's name/number. These are all posted on Ebay as well (links provided here so you can see the photos), but if someone is interested in them, I can sell for a little less here (with free shipping) since I can avoid all the fees. Just mention you saw them posted on USCHO.
If you have any questions, would like additional photos or would like to purchase one, shoot me an email at or PM me here. I'll be in Boston and attending the BU v U-Conn game on Friday the 20th. Stop by and introduce yourself if you see me. Always nice to meet other Forum members. (I'm pretty sure I'll be the only guy at the game in a Michigan Tech jersey so I'll be easy to spot.)

Best regards,
Ryan J
Number/Name Jerseys
Complete game ready jerseys for the 1999-00 season, but never used by the team
$135 each includes the cost of Priority Mail shipping within the US.
Home 2 Bossoli NIKE 56 GI
Home 11 Hanson NIKE 56 GI
Home 22 Vouri NIKE 56 GI
Home 83 Tapp NIKE 56G GI
Home 97 Jackson NIKE 54 GI
Blank game jerseys, has "BOSTON" and the Hockey East patch sewn on the front
$75 each includes the cost of Priority Mail shipping within the US.
Home Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 58G airknit, New in bag
Home Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 58 solid knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 56 air knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 56 air knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 58 air knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 58G air knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 56 solid knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 56 solid knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 58 solid knit, New in bag
Road Blank, "Boston" only, NIKE 58 solid knit, New in bag
CCM/NIKE Practice jerseys, most are heavily worn, but expertly repaired by the team staff
$49 each includes the cost of Priority Mail shipping within the US.
(There are no numbers on the jerseys, the numbers are just for my reference as I documented the wear on each one)
Practice 1 CCM 58G NAVY heavy pilling (neck & sleeves) strap cut out
Practice 2 CCM 58G NAVY 10+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 3 CCM 56G NAVY goalie cut, pilling in neck, strap cut out
Practice 4 CCM 54 NAVY 30+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 5 CCM 58 NAVY 30+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 6 CCM 58 NAVY 30+ repairs (some large), strap cut out
Practice 7 CCM 58 NAVY 20+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 8 CCM 58 NAVY 30+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 9 CCM 56 NAVY 20+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 11 NIKE 54 GREEN 10+ repairs, w/ fight strap
Practice 12 CCM 54 GREEN 20+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 13 CCM 58 GREEN 50+ repairs, strap cut out
CCM/NIKE Practice jerseys, lighter wear on these, better overall condition, some still have repairs but expertly repaired by the team staff
$59 each includes the cost of Priority Mail shipping within the US.
(There are no numbers on the jerseys, the numbers are just for my reference as I documented the wear on each one)
Practice 21 CCM 54 GREEN 20+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 22 CCM 58 ORANGE, very good condition, light wear
Practice 25 CCM 58 GREY 10+ repairs, strap cut out
Practice 38 CCM 54 ORANGE, 20+ repairs w/ fight strap, patch crest
Practice 39 CCM 56 ORANGE 30+ repairs w/ fight strap, patch crest
Practice 40 CCM 56 NAVY 10+ repairs w/ fight strap, patch crest