I'm sure he gained some mad skills playing along a player who got paid for the game that would be totally unfair to other players without such benefits. [/sarcasm]
From The Boston Hockey Blog twitter:
"LINEUP UPDATE: Freshman D Ahti Oksanen will sit out two games for NCAA violations during his time with the Espoo Blues. The Blues had a professional player with them for two games, so Oksanen needs to sit out one NCAA game for each he played with a pro. Jack Parker knew of the violation before bringing Oksanen in over the summer."
So he didn't play as a pro, but since he had a teammate who was a pro that played for 2 games he has to sit out an equal number of games. Doesn't make sense. Welcome to the NCAA Ahti!
Well, that's really stupid.
Par for the course with the NCAA. Yet they had no problem letting that Yale kid play a few years back.
Just a note to anyone coming to the game Friday, you may have read that there's been a rash of armed robberies in the area surrounding Agganis in Brookline, as well as last night one on Comm Ave down the street. Two were in broad daylight on heavily trafficked streets and one in the evening, so when you park your car, don't flash any valuables as you're walking down the street.
I believe they bagged one of the little ******** yesterday so hopefully problem solved after he gives up his buddies.
Anybody have any inside info on who plays Saturday, and line combinations? I'm guessing that this being the first real week of practice, the coaches may still be making those decisions.
I'm excited to see some BU Hockey for the first time since March.
Maybe they thought they would get the $10,000...
I find the whole thing sad more than anything else. They're just kids. What a waste. I just hope they can still find a way to salvage their lives, and that the justice system won't leave them in worse shape than when it found them.
Screw them. I hope they get sent to federal "pound you in the ###" prison! Could have used a few extra bucks in college myself to help pay for the loans, but never thought to wave a gun a people. What exactly is a 15 year old doing out at 3AM anyway?
Maybe I missed it, but there don't seem to be any game notes for tonight's tilt on BU's site. Wonder if it's a change in policy or if staff aren't in midseason form.