Nick Papagiorgio
Holding court
Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Season Thread: Part III: Now What?
Can someone straighten this out for me? Is this amazing source of information over at BU, the one with that high degree of journalistic integrity everyone is talking about, the same one that has produced these gems?
Thanks in advance! Merry Xmas.
Can someone straighten this out for me? Is this amazing source of information over at BU, the one with that high degree of journalistic integrity everyone is talking about, the same one that has produced these gems?
As a native Bostonian, I’ve built up a pretty heavy tolerance when it comes to the arrogance that tends to seep out of Chestnut Hill. For as long as I can remember, Boston College has had this inexplicable, holier-than-thou approach to . . . well, everything.
We get it. Flutie was the man, and you guys were like six spots higher than us in the U.S. News rankings. Congratulations.
Unfortunately, that Hail Mary fell into Phelan’s arms 27 years ago, and the rest of the country still thinks you’re the most overrated school on the East Coast.
So, please do everyone a favor and stop pretending that BC was your first choice. It’s unbecoming. You can admit that you didn’t get into the University of Notre Dame. There’s no shame in that.
Now, that being said, I can actually understand the cockiness from the students. As unfounded as it may be, it’s part of the college experience. Plus, it’s not entirely their fault that they’ve been brainwashed into believing that they go to Stanford University-East.
Insults, drinks will fly at Beanpot
Well, it’s that time of year again, when hockey fans from all over Boston convene in a legendary arena to face off against hated rivals, throw drinks at each other and yell demeaning insults at Boston College’s goalie until he cries. Or as I like to call it, hockey shenanigans at the Beanpot! (You’re right, BC’s goalie won’t cry. He’s a robot, of course! Or maybe a vampire? I’m still deciding.)
(Maybe the BC goalie, John Muse, will cry! Wait, just checked and … yup, still a robot. Shucks.)
Not only does the winning team get its name on a banner in the TD Garden (just the place where Paul Freaking Pierce goes to work every day. No big deal or anything), it also means that the players can brag for an entire year, walk around Boston arrogantly, and throw all of the losing teams in the frozen Charles River. (Okay, I made that last one up. Sounds fun though, right?)
And don’t forget, there’s always a chance that one of your slurred insults will make a player cry. How great is that?
There are, however, a few things we shouldn’t do. While we should be a coherent group, we do not all need to wear shirts that are the color of human waste. And we do not need chants and cheers that are longer than a Lord of the Rings Director’s Cut. Basically, what I’m saying is we shouldn’t be like BC.
BC fans support a team that is a bottom feeder of the Atlantic Coast Conference. Literally, Wake Forest University has had more of an impact on that conference than BC has had, and the “Superfans” in Chestnut Hill are infuriated by this.
BC fans are motivated by their hate, trying to capitalize on it. That’s not how we should be. We should be motivated by our devotion to BU and Terrier Pride.
Thanks in advance! Merry Xmas.