Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Season Thread Part Deux
And the team, in fact, does march to own set of rules which, as a condition of receiving his scholarship and playing on the team, Trivino was required to abide by.
Weren't you the guy arguing a few pages back about how Parker should have acted sooner? Now you're complaining about "due process"? Interesting...
Zero due process? The kid is not out of school because he was expelled. He is electing not to return for financial reasons. He was kicked off the hockey team because he violated the team rules (which were made abundantly clear) by having another alcohol-related incident. Parker went out of his way to say that Trivino was not being removed for "attempted rape" or "assault." Instead, he was being removed for the (indisputable) fact that he was drunk and an incident occurred. Indeed, I am willing to bet the house that Trivino even admitted to JP that he was drunk when this took place.There is no question the HC at BU cares about his kids and is old school. Probably a little more of a generational thing than him not caring. hard to relate to kids doing you tube videos and so forth.
I also found the comment about, "the school doesnt have to do anything blah blah blah, kind of telling. Very similar to when Joe Paterno tried to retire at years end and almost bullying the school into that move. Telling the school not to sopend one minute worrying about it. Not saying that is the case here but you would think some of the stuff he said should be done in conjunction with the school. Agreed, kick off and move on but the verbage was very similar to a coach who has been there a long time and kind of marching to own set of rules. Almost saying the player had zero due process
And the team, in fact, does march to own set of rules which, as a condition of receiving his scholarship and playing on the team, Trivino was required to abide by.
Weren't you the guy arguing a few pages back about how Parker should have acted sooner? Now you're complaining about "due process"? Interesting...