Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Season Thread Part Deux
Nick -- Absolutely one of the classiest and clear-headed posts ever, and from a BC fan! Kudos! The only gripe I would have is that you have marginalized the victim's experience in comparison to what the player and his family are going through. Still, most posters would expect a BC fan to spit gasoline-vapored vitriol at the BU program in general, and particularly at the player and coach (well, there was the one snarky Parker comment which was quite good.) You chose not to do that -- and I applaud you for your discretion to follow the high road.Terrible turn of events for BU, and Trivino and perhaps the victim.
- Let us not jump to any conclusions. We all know the media and even the authorities can absolutely BOTCH the living daylights out of stories (see Tomase from the Herald for a good example of bad journalism and the BC T incident for a good example of jumpy bacon botchery)
- I've read conflicting reports on the plea. Did he enter a NG or guilty plea?
- Any legal experts know what type of punishment he could be looking at if he entered a guilty plea or gets convicted after a NG plea?
- This is another good example of so many things when dealing with college athletics. A program's image is completely at the whim of 18-25 year olds (or if you're Merrimack, 20-25 year olds) and their decisions. No coach can truly have "control" over what these kids are doing - they can only do their best to minimize the likelihood of these things happening. Character has to be placed at a premium when recruiting kids. And even then there are no guarantees as we've all learned.
- Does Jack's drinking team have a hockey problem?
- For whatever reason, I just feel bad for Trivino. Tough go of it for him, two injuries, finally gets going this year and boom... one bad decision can ruin everything. A tough lesson for him and hopefully other kids on the team and around the league can learn from his potential mistake. Knowing what we know about the American legal system, it's tough not to feel bad for a kid from Canada having to deal with this mess of a legal system here. And obviously this is not exactly a good time of the year to have to deal with this for the entire Trivino family.
- I'm hoping this wasn't as serious to the victim as the charges sound. Maybe it was a bit more innocent than it seems but it was called in and reported and has blown up a bit.
- I wonder what Todd thinks now after promising Trivino all the BU coeds when he was 17 and visiting at the Beanpot.
- Honest question - which HE team has booted the most players in the last 5 years... Vermont or BU?