Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Part V: At least 6 more games, maybe 13... who's with
Found this in my inbox. Doesn't seem like anything groundbreaking, but sharing in case anybody's interested:
Boston University Office of the President
Robert A. Brown
One Silber Way
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
T 617-353-2200 F 617-353-3278
March 7, 2012
Dear Colleagues and Students,
As you know from my February 23 announcement, I am convening a Task Force on Men’s Hockey which will examine the culture of our men’s ice hockey team and report back to me in the summer. I am writing to let you know that the formation of the Task Force is now complete, and you may find a list of members and read the charge to the Task Force on my
web site. You can also find further information on
BU Today.
This Task Force will meet and consult with the full spectrum of our community and outside experts. They will commence their work immediately and report their findings during the summer. This way, we will have an opportunity to consider how we can implement recommendations before the next academic year begins.
I am especially grateful to Dr. Jonathan Cole, chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, and University Provost Jean Morrison for taking on the important work of co-chairing this group.
Robert A. Brown