No I didn't burn it... that was suggested by the profromdover. How could I burn an undefeated hat?
The Tale of the Hats:
Old Gold Hat: 9-1-0
7 Home wins, 2 Road wins and 1 Road loss (@BU)... but I prefer to blame that on Sterlippo for being a no-show.
New Stocking Cap: 1-0-2
1 Home win, 1 Road tie and 1 Home tie
I think I'm going with the stocking hat tonight. I'll take a tie at the Whit. Plus, it's due for a win.
Wild Card 1: my better half is taking a rare road trip and will be with me tonight. She's a winner.

Wild Card 2: just got a pom-pom for the stocking hat that has yet to be knitted in place. Secret weapon for a later date.
Now don't be messin' with my hat selection. I'm a veteran hat selector and old pro at this game, so I know what it takes to get the job done right.
Wait until championship season. That's a completely different hat. It has seen wins at 2001 Albany, 2008 Denver and 2012 Tampa. My favorite hat off all.