I think you've been around long enough to know that isn't so. I don't recall having to 'defend' yost hosting a regional until 2002 when Denver got upset. I do recall the NCAA wishing more schools would bid at all to host. It wasn't that other schools failed to 'outbid' UM, no one else even put in a bid. In 2003 the NCAA needed 2 bids, Mariucci and Yost were selected. I don't think anyone else bid for those years either. The only Michigan fan I see upset by this is UMBand really. There is no mention that this will be a permanent site, and I doubt it will be. Even if PSU doesn't win a game, they will need to host the tourney to promote their program at some time. My question is, if the BTHC has their tourney in St Paul, where will the WCHA hold theirs? Green Bay? Detroit?
Let's also stop pretending that home advantage only occurs at the home rink. Home ice advantage depends on the number of home fans compared with the number of opposing fans. If 18,0000 gopher fans show up at the X, compared with 2,000 wolverine fans there, the gophers have the advantage.