Yet they claim there is no voter suppression. Liars and Thieves till the end.
I've started to wonder if there is any scenario in which trump voluntarily admits defeat in this election. I think no matter what the outcome is, he will claim victory and any results that don't spell a win will be dismissed as fraudulent. I believe he will spend the entirety of November 4-January 20, 2021 stoking this fire. I think he will try to create as much chaos as is humanly possible.
At the end of the day, it is going to be up to other elected republicans to do the right thing because trump will not. Biden might win a 1988 style landslide and trump is going to claim he won. I'm not saying any of this will work, mind you, just that trump will pull these stunts.
The weeks between Election day and Inauguration Day are going to be the most consequential days this country has seen since late 1860-early 1861.
Didja know Abbott actually expanded voting rights in Texas?
this is what they’ve done with their court packing
And there are stupid/lazy people on both sides...
But there AREN'T 11 hour long lines in heavy R districts. This is not something that effects both parties equally...
I do have to wonder how many people are going to opt to not vote because of lines like this... There has to be some attrition. And there are stupid/lazy people on both sides...
I keep getting back to the fact that he has proven himself a coward at virtually every stage of his life. He has always talked the big talk and entered litigation, but he caves, settles, or files bankruptcy in the end.
He will talk big, say it's a hoax, that he was cheated, and threaten to tie things up for weeks and months. He'll promise that the SCt. will ultimately decide the outcome. But with the growing possibility that he will be prosecuted after he leaves office, he will deal to avoid that, just as he would scrape off his financial obligations in bankruptcy.
Because of his f cked up father, the thing dump fears more than anything is being a loser. By talking up a fight and then working a deal, he'll try to avoid both prosecution and being forever stuck with the "loser" label. He'll settle for "victim" and "hero of the right."
Instead of regular old server issues, someone went the extra mile in VA.
Instead of regular old server issues, someone went the extra mile in VA.
With what?
They have no money.
Junior knows the hustle, I'm sure a Russian loan shark will give him the money if he agrees to make OANN even more of a pro-Putin outlet than it already is.
With what?
They have no money.
Instead of regular old server issues, someone went the extra mile in VA.
Accident my ass! Sitting here in line in Fort Bend county Texas and the voting machines have “been down” for over 2 hours! 100s of people have left!
Speaking of Mitt:
When even Joe Walsh thinks you are a spineless jellyfish
It is cute that The Dems are mean because Keith Olberman tweeted stuff...