For those that say, or said, that institutions will hold. That the state is bigger than the corruption and destruction of the man. They were wrong. Dead wrong. 200,000+ dead wrong.
Nobody said this. The entire point is we must protect our institutions. You have been fighting (and losing to) a strawman for 3.5 years.
Nobody said this. The entire point is we must protect our institutions. You have been fighting (and losing to) a strawman for 3.5 years.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...
538 is reporting that Biden has a lead nationally, but that lead isn't translating to the expected difference in each state polled. Each state is reporting a narrower than expected lead for Biden.
How does that help them, exactly? The GOP, posts on, presumably, mostly GOP viewed media, about boxes put up at gun shops and such. Now, I'm assuming that GOP voters as well as Dem voters may be depositing ballots into those boxes. And then what, they just throw them all out? They can't tell a Dem vote from a Rep. vote.
That's how stupid these people are.
The Courts arent really helping Donny as much as he expects...
New Siena/NYT poll only has Peters up 1 on James for the MI Senate seat. Shows Biden up 8 on Trump.
I don't get it. John James' entire campaign is that he was a helicopter pilot. He has absolutely no policies and flip flops on support of Trump depending on the news of the day.
Biden chance to win:
[COLOR=#c0392b].08 KS
.11 MT
.11 MO
.16 SC
.23 AK[/COLOR] [HR][/HR][COLOR=#c0392b].31 TX[/COLOR] [HR][/HR].45 IA
.46 GA
.53 OH [HR][/HR][COLOR=#2980b9].64 NC
.67 AZ
.73 FL[/COLOR] [HR][/HR][COLOR=#2980b9].84 NH
.86 WI [/COLOR] <-- election tipping point
[COLOR=#2980b9].87 PA
.87 NV
.91 MI
.91 MN[/COLOR]
I've started to wonder if there is any scenario in which trump voluntarily admits defeat in this election. I think no matter what the outcome is, he will claim victory and any results that don't spell a win will be dismissed as fraudulent. I believe he will spend the entirety of November 4-January 20, 2021 stoking this fire. I think he will try to create as much chaos as is humanly possible.
At the end of the day, it is going to be up to other elected republicans to do the right thing because trump will not. Biden might win a 1988 style landslide and trump is going to claim he won. I'm not saying any of this will work, mind you, just that trump will pull these stunts.
The weeks between Election day and Inauguration Day are going to be the most consequential days this country has seen since late 1860-early 1861.