Deutsche Gopher Fan
Registered User
Is there a charge or is it just for running against him?
Treasonous plots, and throw Obama in too
Is there a charge or is it just for running against him?
Treasonous plots, and throw Obama in too
This afternoon, Trump apparently concluded that his 2020 opponent should be "allowed" challenge him, either. Here's what he published to Twitter:"Wow!!! NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS, THE BIGGEST OF ALL POLITICAL SCANDALS (IN HISTORY)!!! BIDEN, OBAMA AND CROOKED HILLARY LED THIS TREASONOUS PLOT!!! BIDEN SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO RUN - GOT CAUGHT!!!"
I don’t know if they can get away from the “Gimme that Old Time Religion” though. The Evangelicals have weeded themselves too deep into the power structure of the Republican Party for them to go away quietly. Plus they have way too much money to be bought off for the greater good.Their best hope is to lay off the social con stuff, moderate their position on a national healthcare system, and take a quieter (but still firm) stance against amnesty and large numbers of immigrants/refugees. They need to find a way to retake the "fiscal conservative" mantle and cast themselves as a check on the up-and-coming generation of socialist Dems who want gubmint to pay for everyone's four-year degrees and their first houses, and just generally become more like Western European conservatives.
EDIT: I would also make Senate term limits a near-term platform plank for a rebooted GOP.
Honest question -- why?
The next one is a Townhall format I Trump will reign it in but he will look awful ignoring the questions of the people and answering in non-sequiturs.
There's no way the debate commission lets a positive Donnie interact with regular people.
More likely this proves the CNN poll Biden +16 from the other day is spot on but yeah that is not a good sign. Wonder if that was part of the trigger last night...
A lot of poll-whisperers have said it might have been partisan non-response. Polls coming out in a week or so will be more telling.
Pence is a robot deflecting with talking points and not even answering questions.I don’t think this is going great, which at least for me isn’t unexpected. Hopefully it ends in a draw.
What is their reasoning for that? Why would it happen now in multiple polls as opposed to a few weeks ago or months ago?
Honest questions cause I don't get it...and dont pretend too!
If a different virus was instead this virus things might have been different when this virus hit then instead of the virus that actually did.