There is no doubt in my mind that cellphones/social media are a huge factor. I have two teenage boys, and if I would let them, they would spend all their free time on their phones, only taking a break to get on the X-Box (and by the way, they still want their phones while they play, so they can keep an eye on things, should they not be able to respond to a post/snap/tweet within seconds, heaven forbid). It is really scary to think of what the impact is going to be 10 and 20 years down the road. Having the screen time isn't the issue, it is all the things they AREN'T DOING, like going to a hockey game, reading a good book, getting creative outdoors, etc. Heck, even wandering a mall with friends would be a welcome social interaction at this point. Maybe other generations of parents had similar issues to deal with, but I feel like so we are the guinea pigs, unfortunately.