Sean Pickett
2009 NCAA Champions
Re: Attendance at NCAA
Here are the FF attendance figures for every year it has been held:
Having the host in the tournament has boosted attendance (except this year). The top four semifinals and the top three finals all involved the host team.
It is hard to determine if the change to a week earlier is impacting attendance, as it went up the first year for the semifinals, but dropped for the final. The semifinal attendance has now dropped for three straight years and the final attendance for two straight and 3-of-4.
I find the drastic attendance drop off this year troubling. The semifinal attendance is second to last, despite the host playing, and over 600 less than last year’s. The final attendance is dead last, almost 1000 less than last year and over 600 less than the previous low.
It will be interesting to see the attendance in Eire next year, with or without Mercyhurst. And regarding ticket prices, I see that tickets for next year are already on sale:
All session passes for Friday & Sunday are $50.00 adult, $40.00 student.
All session passes are on sale now. Single tickets go on sale March 11, 2011.
Here are the FF attendance figures for every year it has been held:
By Year
2001 Minneapolis Semifinals 2,099 Final 3,079
2002 Durham Semifinals 2,051 Final 3,102
2003 Duluth Semifinals 4,801 (host) Final 5,167 (host)
2004 Providence Semifinals 2,526 Final 3,522
2005 Durham Semifinals 2,204 Final 2,056
2006 Minneapolis Semifinals 2,876 (host) Final 4,701 (host)
2007 Lake Placid* Semifinals 3,423 (host) Final 3,355
2008 Duluth** Semifinals 3,023 (host) Final 4,031 (host)
2009 Boston Semifinals 2,706 Final 2,437
2010 Minneapolis Semifinals 2,070 (host) Final 1,473
* first year FF held a week earlier
** Thursday-Saturday
By Attendance
Semifinals Final
4,801 (host) 5,167 (host)
3,423 (host) 4,701 (host)
3,023 (host) 4,031 (host)
2,876 (host) 3,522
2,706 3,355
2,526 3,102
2,204 3,079
2,099 2,437
2,070 (host) 2,056
2,051 1,473
Having the host in the tournament has boosted attendance (except this year). The top four semifinals and the top three finals all involved the host team.
It is hard to determine if the change to a week earlier is impacting attendance, as it went up the first year for the semifinals, but dropped for the final. The semifinal attendance has now dropped for three straight years and the final attendance for two straight and 3-of-4.
I find the drastic attendance drop off this year troubling. The semifinal attendance is second to last, despite the host playing, and over 600 less than last year’s. The final attendance is dead last, almost 1000 less than last year and over 600 less than the previous low.
It will be interesting to see the attendance in Eire next year, with or without Mercyhurst. And regarding ticket prices, I see that tickets for next year are already on sale:
All session passes for Friday & Sunday are $50.00 adult, $40.00 student.
All session passes are on sale now. Single tickets go on sale March 11, 2011.
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