Re: At least seven killed at Fort Hood
I'm pretty much of a traditionalist. Not so much that we always have to do things the old way, just occasionally. That's why I occasionally like to see the NFL throwback unis (except for the Jets and Broncos *shudder*).
And in our political life as well, it's nice to see some traditions are alive and well. Like the tradition that if you're opposed to an American military intervention somewhere you can say or do anything to advance that point of view without fear of criticism from the MSM. In my lifetime Jane Fonda pretty much established the standard. Well it's nice to know the fat, ugly, hyper-left wing old bags at Code Pink are keeping that tradition alive. Here is the key quote from their pitch for support of their seditious cafe in Killeen:
"Our soldiers clearly need more care; the last thing they need is to be put into more harm's way. Even US military officers think so--Matthew Hoh resigned from the Foreign Service in protest of the lack of clear mission and achievable results in Afghanistan, and of course the Ft. Hood shooter was a Major who did not wish to be deployed to Afghanistan."
I'm sure Matthew Hoh is kicking himself that all he could come up with to express his disagreement with our policy in Afghanistan was resign. Why, he could have massacred a bunch of unarmed soldiers and gotten an approving nod from Code Pink. So in Code Pink's world, "Dr." Hasan isn't a jihadist mass murderer, he's merely an "officer" who thinks "the last thing our soldiers need is to be put into more harms way", and came up with a dramatic way of expressing his First Amendment protected opinion. Got it.
This is a group with which candidate Obama was quite chummy, he and their
leader appeared together several times. And the leader was also one of his campaign's chief "bundlers" of donations. And this is a group that never seems to get much attention (except for reportage that's generally approving) from the legacy media. For shame.