Given the change in opinion to repeal the 2nd over time, I think it's more possible than anyone thinks. The public can overturn it, and the SCOTUS can do nothing about it.
No, the public cannot. It would require ratification by 38 state legislatures. There are currently only 18 where both houses are controlled by Democrats (2 split and 30 R). To get to 38, you’d have to pick up both splits (MN and AK). NE is unicameral, so then you’d need a further 37 R chambers (for a total of 39) to vote against party and donor doctrine to get it done. There are only 61 R chambers, so you’re talking about flipping at a very minimum 39 out of 61 R chambers. Keep in mind that it is likely that many of those chambers probably have rules that allow a single Member (a la Mitch McConnell) to prevent even getting a vote, so not only do enough Rs have to flip - they have to be the RIGHT ones.
It’s far more likely that the current SCOTUS uses Corlett to take the opportunity to declare that the 2nd amendment really only applies to state-controlled national guards. Not. Happening.