Cornell Big Red
Dude just walks in with a duffle bag and heads straight to the bathrooms?
Well, this is a Wendy's.
Dude just walks in with a duffle bag and heads straight to the bathrooms?
Somebody has a tiny little *****.
Somebody has a tiny little pen15.
Wait, you can type 'fuck' on the new board but not 'pe-nis'? This board is really fucked.
You can't type "d-mn" either.
But go wild with motherfucker.
School shooting in Knoxville. Multiple victims.
We get a bonus.
Not only is it not the time to talk about gun control, but now we get to hear kvetching from wingnuts on how "we took God out of the schools and now this happens."
Sounds like they're is a situation at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis...
8 people die....
Too bad there's no funding to study the number of justifiable shootings compared to the murders.... Since the gun people don't want people to know data to suggest that that guns should not be out in public.
Licensing for all gun owners. All. Semi-annual renewals with some basic testing. At least make getting a gun as hard as it is to register and vote.
Then reduce the number of rounds a gun can hold, reduce how fast they can shoot, and make sure the reload process takes longer. Mechanically limiting how fast and how many numbers of rounds a gun can out is very possible and very reasonable.
If it's just bad people getting guns, the restrictions should be demanded for by the "good" gun owners. Otherwise, they look like they just want to murder more people.
As a handgun owner and concealed pistol licensee I support all of these and even more stringent restrictions. It should be exponentially harder to own a gun, and especially to carry one in public than it is to either register to vote or to drive.