Not very persuasive when you make loaded comments like that.
No, I don't own any guns.
It bugs me that the hunters who own 1-3 firearms do nothing in the face of these mass shootings. Nothing, nada, sit back and have a beer, not even sympathy for the dead.
Propose something that will actually prevent mass shootings. Then you won't be labeled as evil.
Just like all of those "good cops" we keep hearing about- where are all of the "good gun owners"??? If you are not going to come to the table, then why should I care about your opinion? Or is this just like dumpy's ACA replacement or infrastructure week?
This post is complete BS. My guess is that most responsible gun owners, if not all of them, are just as saddened and disgusted by events like that in Boulder as anyone else.
What makes your post BS is the word "something." Here, I have an idea. Why don't you tell me exactly what the "something" is that you suggest we propose, to prevent mass shootings?
Sure, we can propose to ban assault weapons. Oh wait, we did that, didn't we? Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings.
We passed the Brady bill. Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings. We can stretch out the waiting period. That's fine with me. Won't prevent mass shootings though.
We can have more background checks. Again, fine with me. Won't prevent mass shootings though.
There is one thing, and one thing alone that will "prevent mass shootings." A complete ban on guns. No more gun sales. All guns currently in private possession confiscated. Doesn't matter if you are one of the dozen or two people who are likely to commit mass shootings in the coming years, or the millions of law abiding gun owners who aren't.
You want that "something" proposed, and you think you can get it passed, be my guest. The millions of law abiding gun owners aren't going to do it for you.
This post is complete BS. My guess is that most responsible gun owners, if not all of them, are just as saddened and disgusted by events like that in Boulder as anyone else.
What makes your post BS is the word "something." Here, I have an idea. Why don't you tell me exactly what the "something" is that you suggest we propose, to prevent mass shootings?
Sure, we can propose to ban assault weapons. Oh wait, we did that, didn't we? Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings.
We passed the Brady bill. Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings. We can stretch out the waiting period. That's fine with me. Won't prevent mass shootings though.
We can have more background checks. Again, fine with me. Won't prevent mass shootings though.
There is one thing, and one thing alone that will "prevent mass shootings." A complete ban on guns. No more gun sales. All guns currently in private possession confiscated. Doesn't matter if you are one of the dozen or two people who are likely to commit mass shootings in the coming years, or the millions of law abiding gun owners who aren't.
You want that "something" proposed, and you think you can get it passed, be my guest. The millions of law abiding gun owners aren't going to do it for you.
Sure, we can propose to ban assault weapons. Oh wait, we did that, didn't we? Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings.
This post is complete BS. My guess is that most responsible gun owners, if not all of them, are just as saddened and disgusted by events like that in Boulder as anyone else.
What makes your post BS is the word "something." Here, I have an idea. Why don't you tell me exactly what the "something" is that you suggest we propose, to prevent mass shootings?
Sure, we can propose to ban assault weapons. Oh wait, we did that, didn't we? Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings.
We passed the Brady bill. Didn't seem to prevent mass shootings. We can stretch out the waiting period. That's fine with me. Won't prevent mass shootings though.
We can have more background checks. Again, fine with me. Won't prevent mass shootings though.
There is one thing, and one thing alone that will "prevent mass shootings." A complete ban on guns. No more gun sales. All guns currently in private possession confiscated. Doesn't matter if you are one of the dozen or two people who are likely to commit mass shootings in the coming years, or the millions of law abiding gun owners who aren't.
You want that "something" proposed, and you think you can get it passed, be my guest. The millions of law abiding gun owners aren't going to do it for you.
How about "something" simpler - like canceling their NRA memberships?
Akshully.... It kinda did.
Who the hell thinks we’re going to completely eliminate mass shootings? And, other than Kepler, who on here is proposing banning all guns? Of course that’s not going to work. Harm reduction. Obviously- no- fucking obviously, we can close the gap from the levels of gun violence we have here towards the mean of at least developed countries through ways other than confiscating all guns. Plenty of ideas already proposed on here that would reduce- certainly not eliminate- gun violence. The vast majority of guns deaths are suicides, not homicides, and certainly not mass shootings.
No actually it didn't.
The 67th time we had this same discussion on this board, about four years ago, I linked to multiple studies that were done following the assault weapons ban, and they concluded that as far as they could determine there was no recognizable effect.
The reason for that should be obvious. You could literally ban the manufacture and sale of all guns right now and we would still have enough guns floating around this country to have mass shootings until all of us have been gone for a hundred years.
There is no way an EO for gun control legislation would hold up. The courts would overrule him when challenged. Just stop.
Your concern is noted though.
Why can't they do something else? For instance, why not do what they've done to cigarettes. Tax the heck out of ammunition. No, they haven't completely eliminated cigarettes, but you can't tell me that such a tax has had no effect.