rock and roller
But what about last night in Sweden?
But what about last night in Sweden?
You're playing into his hands. joe wanted some black crime to obscure that mass killings are almost exclusively white conservatives. The Echo Chamber is nothing but a litany of black crime. Black on white if possible but black on black is cool, too.
Black, white, yellow, brown - it does not matter.
The fact remains that we're killing each other and it does not raise the ire of the populus. Only when there's a mass murder do we act shocked/outraged.
Here we hear a man crying for help before dying.
Bother you any?
Black, white, yellow, brown - it does not matter.
The fact remains that we're killing each other and it does not raise the ire of the populus. Only when there's a mass murder do we act shocked/outraged.
Here we hear a man crying for help before dying.
Bother you any?
Black, white, yellow, brown - it does not matter.
The fact remains that we're killing each other and it does not raise the ire of the populus. Only when there's a mass murder do we act shocked/outraged.
Here we hear a man crying for help before dying.
Bother you any?
As ticapnews hinted at, why are they not killing each other in Sweden? Any theories?
But what about last night in Sweden?
Last night in Chicago:
Week in Progress (9/29 – 10/5)
Shot & Killed: 1
Shot & Wounded: 11
Total Shot: 12
Total Homicides: 1
Your concern is noted.
Black, white, yellow, brown - it does not matter.
The fact remains that we're killing each other and it does not raise the ire of the populus. Only when there's a mass murder do we act shocked/outraged.
Here we hear a man crying for help before dying.
Bother you any?
Black, white, yellow, brown - it does not matter.
The fact remains that we're killing each other and it does not raise the ire of the populus. Only when there's a mass murder do we act shocked/outraged.
Here we hear a man crying for help before dying.
Bother you any?
one is a statistic. 4 are a tragedy?
He seems nice.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Please tell me this lunatic does not own a gun. Reason 1,578 America needs red flag laws. <a href=""></a></p>— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) <a href="">October 12, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
The NRA will lead the national discussion with a roundtable of experts, parents, students and civic leaders. It's scheduled for November 37 at 29 o'clock.6 injured in Santa Clarita, CA high school
Shooter was just a mentally disturbed lone wolf, I'm sure.
And of course, now's not the time to talk about it.